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Computer-Based test (Listening & Reading)

What is the Computer-Based LanguageCert USAL esPro Listening & Reading test?

The Computer-Based version of the LanguageCert USAL esPro Listening & Reading test includes a large number of questions, covering all levels of Spanish language proficiency (from basic to advanced). Questions appear on the computer’s screen and candidates need a keyboard and a mouse to respond. The test’s adaptive feature depicts the use of state-of-the-art assessment technology, given the fact that the questions are automatically selected based on the right or wrong responses provided by the candidate. In other words, the questions become progressively easier or more difficult, adapting uniquely to each candidate’s skills (i.e. if the candidate gives a wrong answer, an easier question follows; if the candidate gives a correct answer, the next question will be more difficult).

Which skills are tested?

The Computer-Based LanguageCert USAL esPro Listening & Reading test assesses the candidates’ listening and reading skills, as well as knowledge of grammar and vocabulary in the Spanish language.

What is the duration of the test?
The maximum time allowed to complete the test is 60 minutes. Depending on the candidate’s performance the test may end in a shorter amount of time.
What is the total number of questions?

The total number of questions varies between 48 to 50, depending on the candidate’s performance.

  • Listening section: 18 questions
  • Reading section: 30 to 32 questions

The questions might appear either in groups of 1 to 7 or one-by-one.

How can I see my progress during the test?
A progress bar keeps you informed of the progress you have made throughout the Computer-Based LanguageCert USAL esPro Listening & Reading test, indicating the number of questions answered and the ones remaining.
My Computer-Based test results show a ‘0 out of 100’ score. What does this mean?
A ‘0 out of 100’ score appears for all candidates who do not achieve the minimum score corresponding to CEFR level A. Therefore ‘0 out of 100’ means you have achieved a score of less than ‘10 out of 100’.