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December 2020 LanguageCert central exams have been postponed

As the number of COVID-19 cases remains high in Greece, and due to the extension of the measures announced by authorities, LanguageCert has made the difficult decision to postpone central LanguageCert International ESOL exams on 5 & 6 December 2020 across all 14 locations in Greece.

To safeguard the health and safety of our stakeholders and the wider community, we will continue following government directives, which means that live exams will be rescheduled only when we are officially advised that it is safe to do so.

Please remember that LanguageCert Online exams with remote, live invigilation remain available as an alternative exam option.

Benefits of our online exam solution include:

  • Exams can be taken anytime, 24/7/365
  • Results are issued in just 3 business days
  • A trained live invigilator is online to monitor the examination process, provide support if needed and ensure secure testing conditions

Our online exams are the same, and lead to the same LanguageCert International ESOL qualifications, with the same recognition (recognised by ASEP and internationally), as live exams.

In Greece, LanguageCert has coordinated 25% of our exams at B1-C2 level through LanguageCert Online exams over the past year alone, and 99% of our past candidates (based on an online survey) would recommend this option to other candidates.

Book and schedule your LanguageCert Online exam with remote, live invigilation here.
For further information, you can always contact our Customer Service (available 24/7/365).

LanguageCert would like to thank you for your continued support and wish you all the best of luck in your upcoming exam.