Home Breadcrumb Separator Image Our News Breadcrumb Separator Image Announcements Breadcrumb Separator Image The Exam Preparation & Testing House has become a LanguageCert Approved Test Centre in Dubai, U.A.E.

The Exam Preparation & Testing House has become a LanguageCert Approved Test Centre in Dubai, U.A.E.

The Exam Preparation & Testing House (TEPTH) is a renowned institution in Dubai, with great experience in test delivery and exam preparation, offering high-quality educational services.

Its utmost objective is to assist its learners in gaining admission to any international educational programme they desire to enrol in. Through an experienced team of professional instructors, it helps students prepare for and undertake various international aptitude tests in order to meet admission criteria, and provides expert guidance and advice for numerous English language examinations and assessments. The institution also facilitates registration and booking for the relevant tests.

By becoming a LanguageCert Approved Test Centre, TEPTH provides the benefits of internationally recognised English language qualifications to its students, minimising their anxiety and optimising their maximum potential.