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PeopleCert partners with the AJŠ in the Czech Republic

We are delighted to announce the partnership of LanguageCert with the Association of Language Schools of the Czech Republic (AJŠ), which was founded in 2015 by combining ACERT - Association of Certified language schools and AJŠA - Association of Language Schools and Agencies of the Czech Republic.

LanguageCert, is a brand of PeopleCert, offering certification exams that are suited to people of all walks of life, providing proof of their English language skills. The AJŠ promotes and guarantees high quality in language teaching and learning, and is governed by the same values as PeopleCert, such as commitment to ethics, moral conduct and quality.

PeopleCert is proud that its LanguageCert qualifications have been recognised by the Czech Ministry of Education and are included in the new MŠMT “MATURITA” list and the Standardised Language Examinations list. With this partnership, the AJŠ aims to leverage the strong heritage of the well-respected qualifications and to make LanguageCert examinations available to students in the Czech Republic.