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PeopleCert hosts an exclusive LanguageCert launch event for its Approved Test Centres in the Czech Republic

PeopleCert is excited to host an exclusive LanguageCert launch event for its Approved LanguageCert Test Centres in the Czech Republic.

During the event, the representatives of the approved LanguageCert Test Centres will be given the chance to join Dr. Yiannis Papargyris in a fruitful conversation about LanguageCert qualifications and their recognition in both local and international level, as well as meet PhDr. Andrea Krizkova, LanguageCert Regional Manager for the Czech Republic and discuss about the mutually beneficial cooperation with PeopleCert.

The event will take place on October 21, 2016, the last day of a three-day training course for LanguageCert new and already existing interlocutors in the Czech Republic, at a central hotel in Prague.

LanguageCert qualifications have been recognised by the Czech Ministry of Education and are included in the new the new MŠMT “MATURITA” list and the Standardised Language Examinations list. Many Czech universities have recognised LanguageCert qualifications for entrance exams, various internal exams or projects.