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LanguageCert qualifications recognition by the Czech Ministry of Education

LanguageCert qualifications have been recognised by the Czech Ministry of Education and are listed in the new MŠMT “MATURITA” list.

The LanguageCert examinations are entitled to replace the so called “optional part” of the leaving exam (Maturita) in English. 

LanguageCert certification exams are suited to people of all walks of life, providing proof of their English language skills – and all candidates are aware of the importance of demonstrating their personal capabilities. Bearing in mind that there are several thousands of students sitting their school leaving exams each year we can expect LanguageCert will provide a valuable tool towards further education and career progression.

We are proud that LanguageCert exams rank among a dozen of international language exams recognised in the Czech Republic. We strongly believe that our exams will enable the candidates to use their English language potential and help them find their “dream” jobs.”