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LanguageCert joins the 51st IATEFL Conference and Exhibition in Glasgow, UK!

LanguageCert is extremely excited to join the 51st IATEFL International Annual Conference and Exhibition, which will be held in Glasgow, UK, on 3-7 April 2017.

Attended by over 2,500 ELT professionals from more than 100 countries, it is one of the main events in the English Language Teaching calendar, aiming to offer a unique opportunity to delegates to meet leading theorists, writers, and testing organisations, inspect the latest publications and exchange ideas with fellow professionals from all sectors of ELT.  

Our Business Development Managers will be available at Booth No. 102 to showcase our innovative approaches to foreign languages testing. Participants will be given the chance to learn more about the advantages of LanguageCert International ESOL and LanguageCert USAL esPro BULATS Qualifications, as well as the benefits offered by PeopleCert, as an IELTS Official Test Centre in Germany, Greece and Cyprus.