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LanguageCert is now an associate member of Eaquals


We are excited to announce that LanguageCert is now an associate member of Eaquals, an organisation whose mission is to foster excellence in language education across the world. 

Founded in 1991 by a group of education professionals with a shared vision of an international quality association for all languages, Eaquals are an expert in international accreditation, quality assurance, training and standardisation, conduct research and create practical resources to develop language teaching and learning throughout the world. 

LanguageCert, by deploying state-of-the-art assessment technologies, offers a complete suite of English language examinations and certifications, including LanguageCert International ESOL and Young Learners ESOL, and has partnered with Cursos Internacionales de la Universidad de Salamanca to offer the former Spanish BULATS tests under the new name LanguageCert USAL esPro BULATS worldwide.  

We are proud to be a part of Eaquals and the exciting opportunities this partnership will bear and looking forward to meeting fellow members in upcoming Eaquals events.