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LanguageCert has become an Institutional Member of EALTA

We are delighted to announce that LanguageCert is now an Institutional Member of EALTA, the European Association for Language Testing and Assessment.

EALTA is a professional association for language testers in Europe, whose mission is to promote the understanding of theoretical principles of language testing and assessment, as well as the improvement and sharing of testing and assessment practices throughout Europe. EALTA aims to represent those involved in language testing and assessment at a European level, including in the European Union and the Council of Europe.

EALTA believes that language diversity is an invaluable asset to intercultural communication and mutual understanding, enriching the lives of all.

LanguageCert, as an Awarding Organisation dedicated to language skills assessment and certification, shares the same values with EALTA, respecting linguistic and cultural diversity, whilst seeking to ensure that the highest possible quality of language learning and language proficiency is guaranteed.

LanguageCert, by deploying state-of-the-art assessment technologies, offers a complete suite of English language examinations and certifications, including LanguageCert International ESOL and Young Learners ESOL, and has partnered with Cursos Internacionales de la Universidad de Salamanca to offer the former Spanish BULATS tests under the new name LanguageCert USAL esPro BULATS worldwide.

As EALTA’s Institutional Member, LanguageCert’s utmost objective is to engage in activities for the improvement of language testing and assessment practices in Europe.