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LanguageCert and Second Tree join forces to support amigrants, refugees and asylum seekers with English language qualifications

London, 23 April, 2019

We are extremely proud to announce that a group of refugees in the area of Ioannina, Greece, has succeeded in the English language examinations, LanguageCert International ESOL.

This achievement marks the beginning of a collaboration between LanguageCert and Second Tree, working towards the assistance of migrants, refugees and asylum seekers in the acquisition of English language qualifications.  

Nikos Pylarinos, LanguageCert Global Business Development Manager, commented: “LanguageCert, as an international Awarding organization with a social mission, joined forces with Second Tree to assist people in need in accessing English language assessment and certification. We pride ourselves on helping a group of refugees to improve their life prospects. LanguageCert English language qualifications could play an active role in helping people in crisis situation, giving them a sense of accomplishment, as well as the chance to open doors to further academic and career opportunities, economic security, social acceptance and cultural understanding. The two organisations support each other’s work, promoting the values of equity and equality, as well as aiming to create a society in which all individuals are provided with the tools needed to progress their lives in safety and with dignity.”

Dina Pasic, Founder and Education Manager of Second Tree highlighted: “Refugees and asylum seekers, more than anyone, need access to quality learning opportunities in order to be able to move forward with their lives. Without a language to communicate in, they cannot take steps to engage or integrate. We wanted to demonstrate that quality education is possible and that our students, despite the difficult circumstances they face, are committed and driven to improve themselves. Through this collaboration with LanguageCert, we now have tangible proof of that. This group of students has made history, being the first refugees in the Epirus region to successfully prepare for an English language exam. Acquiring the LanguageCert International ESOL qualifications boosted their self-confidence and pride, making them able to set their sights on higher goals and move forward with a vital skill-set on their CV.“

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About LanguageCert

LanguageCert is a UK-based member of the PeopleCert Group, a global leader in the certification industry, that has been delivering millions of exams in 200 countries. As an Awarding Organisation recognised by Ofqual, it provides high-quality language skills assessment and certification to the global learners’ community. 

LanguageCert develops and administers globally its own English language qualifications. It also assesses language skills in professional Spanish, in alliance with Cursos Internacionales de la Universidad de Salamanca, and in Turkish, in partnership with Ankara Üniversitesi TÖMER.

About Second Tree

Second Tree is a community-led, volunteer-run, grassroots NGO that assists in the education and integration of refugees in Northern Greece. Second Tree takes its name from the proverb: “The best time to plant a tree was 20 years ago, the second-best time is now.” Its belief is that it is never too late to take action and work towards making a positive difference in the world.

Its mission is to empower refugees with the skills needed to engage in their new community by providing them with access to information, services, and opportunities that strengthen their capacities and ensure that their human rights are not violated.

The group of refugees after the release of the exam results.