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LanguageCert English and Spanish qualifications recognised by ACLES in Spain!

We’re proud to announce that the LanguageCert International ESOL and LanguageCert USAL esPro qualifications have been recognised by ACLES (Association of Language Centres in Higher Education) in Spain.

It is an honour to be noted as a University admission certification for LanguageCert International ESOL qualifications (levels A2, Β1, Β2, C1 and C2) from this credible Spanish institution. ACLES, as part of its role, informs regional policy decision-makers.

ACLES promotes the teaching and learning of modern languages in higher education, as well as the standardisation of proficiency levels, according to the guidelines set forth by the Council of Europe.

LanguageCert USAL esPro qualifications have also received recognition by CRUE Universidades Españolas (Conference of Chancellors of the Spanish Universities), and are included in the list of certifications accepted by Mesa de Certificación Lingüística para el Español como Lengua Extranjera (Accreditation Commission for Spanish as a Foreign Language) as proof of Spanish language proficiency.

LanguageCert USAL esPro are the tests of Spanish as a foreign language selected by the university accreditation platform CertiUni, a project promoted by CRUE.

We will continue to spread the word about the value of LanguageCert qualifications across the world, as well as new and exciting recognitions!