Home Breadcrumb Separator Image Our News Breadcrumb Separator Image Announcements Breadcrumb Separator Image Foreign languages school Eurognosi Zografou has become a LanguageCert Approved Test Centre in Athens, Greece

Foreign languages school Eurognosi Zografou has become a LanguageCert Approved Test Centre in Athens, Greece

For the past 18 years, the foreign languages school Eurognosi Zografou has been providing both standard and tailor-made foreign languages courses to thousands of students of all ages. As one of the most prestigious schools of one of the biggest educational chains in Greece, it has paved the way for a pioneering method of teaching the English language, using the most advanced technological means inside the classroom. As a new LanguageCert Approved Test Centre, the school’s vision and utmost objective to help its students achieve their academic goals and broaden their horizons by becoming proficient language users and succeeding in their exams, have been fulfilled.