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Brno English Centre has become an Approved LanguageCert Test Centre

Brno English Centre, a school formed over 2 decades ago, has become an Approved LanguageCert Test Centre. Based in the Czech Republic, the school has worked with almost 14,000 students of various nationalities. Although it typically focuses on General English courses, its emphasis on communicative and practical language skills has led it into focusing on specialised and niche courses over the years. By offering LanguageCert exams, the school has the opportunity to provide PeopleCert’s expertise and know-how and to benefit its students. 

LanguageCert qualifications recognition by the Czech Ministry of Education and listing in the new MŠMT “MATURITA” list went through earlier this year. The LanguageCert examinations are entitled to replace the “optional part” of the leaving exam (Maturita) in English.