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Brezinka jazykova skola / e-jazyky / zkousky nanecisto has become an Approved LanguageCert Test Centre

Brezinka jazykova skola / e-jazyky / zkousky nanecisto is a newly LanguageCert Approved Centre in Prague, the Czech Republic. We are proud to be able to deliver the LanguageCert International ESOL qualifications in the Czech market. Our school project “Zkoušky Nanečisto” plays a key role in preparing students for entry exams to elementary, secondary schools and universities. We are honoured to offer our students a new opportunity to successfully pass not only mock exams but also the LanguageCert exams that test true communicative skills. The LanguageCert exams are offered both to the wide public and the corporate and institutional clientele.

LanguageCert qualifications recognition by the Czech Ministry of Education and listing in the new MŠMT “MATURITA” list went through earlier this year. The LanguageCert examinations are entitled to replace the “optional part” of the leaving exam (Maturita) in English.