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Association of Language Testers in Europe has included LanguageCert amongst its Institutional Affiliates.

We’re excited to be recognised as an Institutional Affiliate of ALTE, one of the most important organisations in the European language testing space. ALTE Institutional Affiliates are organisations with an interest and active involvement in language testing. This latest recognition clearly illustrates LanguageCert’s aspiration to meet high quality standards.

ALTE is an association of language test providers who work together to promote the fair and accurate assessment of linguistic ability across Europe and beyond. ALTE organises courses and conferences on aspects of language assessment and operates a quality auditing system of European language examinations. ALTE was founded in 1989 by the University of Cambridge, in the UK, and the Universidad de Salamanca, in Spain, to establish common levels of language proficiency, to promote the transnational recognition of certification in Europe and to establish common standards for all stages of the language testing process.

ALTE has been collaborating with the Council of Europe and its Language Policy Unit since the 1990s, and contributed importantly towards the development of the Common European Framework for Reference (CEFR).