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AJAK ŠUMPERK has become an Approved LanguageCert Test Centre


AJAK ŠUMPERK – Akademie Jana Amose Komenského, Vzdělávací Centrum, Jazyková Škola – is a renowned educational organisation that has been providing courses of various foreign languages, including English, German, French, Russian, Italian, Spanish and Czech, to students of all ages and from all walks of life. It also prides itself on being a Consulting Centre of the Business and Economics School of the Agricultural Faculty of the Czech University. Today, as a LanguageCert Approved Test Centre, it offers the benefits of LanguageCert International ESOL qualifications to the people of Czech Republic.

LanguageCert qualifications have been recognised by the Czech Ministry of Education and are included in the new the new MŠMT “MATURITA” list and the Standardised Language Examinations list. Many Czech universities have recognised LanguageCert qualifications for entrance exams, various internal exams or projects.