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Unique opportunity to help one of your students!

LanguageCert wants to help students with financial difficulties sit their English language exams and get a qualification that is necessary for academic and professional development in today’s globalised world.

Therefore, we offer to each language school in Greece 2 Free International ESOL Exams (Written and Spoken). Each school can offer these two free exams to one of its less privileged students, deciding on socio-economic criteria.

How to acquire the offer

To get the offer for one of your students, send an email to  with his/ her name and your contact details, and shortly after you will receive a voucher. You will then use this voucher to electronically register the candidate for the announced dates of the May, June and July exam periods.

The offer is valid for the May, June and July 2019 exam periods and for B1 to C2 levels.

Don’t miss out on this unique opportunity to help one of your students and build your school’s reputation in your local community.