Ποια είναι τα οφέλη των εξετάσεων LanguageCert International ESOL για τους υποψηφίους;
Ευέλικτες εξετάσεις: μπορείτε να προετοιμαστείτε και στη συνέχεια να λάβετε μέρος μόνο σε μία από τις δύο εξετάσεις· είτε στις Γραπτές, είτε στις Προφορικές Εξετάσεις. Με αυτόν τον τρόπο, θα μπορέσετε πιο εύκολα να πετύχετε στη συνολική εξέταση. Μπορείτε μάλιστα να επικεντρώσετε τις μαθησιακές σας δραστηριότητες σε συγκεκριμένους τομείς δεξιοτήτων (Listening, Reading, Writing και Speaking).
Ξεχωριστά πιστοποιητικά: εάν λάβετε μέρος και στη Γραπτή και στην Προφορική Εξέταση, και πετύχετε μόνο στη μία, θα λάβετε ένα πιστοποιητικό για την εξέταση που έχετε περάσει. Όταν περάσετε και τις δύο εξετάσεις του ίδιου επιπέδου, θα λάβετε δύο ξεχωριστά πιστοποιητικά, ένα για τη Γραπτή και ένα για την Προφορική αντίστοιχα, για το επίπεδο που πετύχατε.
On demand: μπορείτε να λάβετε μέρος στις εξετάσεις σε ημερομηνίες προσυμφωνημένες με το Κέντρο Ξένων Γλωσσών σας (Εγκεκριμένο Εξεταστικό Κέντρο LanguageCert), καθώς και ανά πάσα στιγμή μέσα στο έτος*.
*Σε συγκεκριμένες περιοχές ισχύουν διαφορετικές προϋποθέσεις. Συμβουλευτείτε το Κέντρο Ξένων Γλωσσών σας.
Διεθνώς αναγνωρισμένος Φορέας Πιστοποίησης: θα βελτιώσετε τις ευκαιρίες σας για ακαδημαϊκή εξέλιξη και θα έχετε πρόσβαση σε καλύτερες ευκαιρίες απασχόλησης.
Αξιολόγηση της λειτουργικής χρήσης της γλώσσας: θα μπορείτε να χρησιμοποιήσετε με επιτυχία την αγγλική γλώσσα για να κάνετε φίλους που δεν μιλούν τη γλώσσα σας και να εργαστείτε σε όλο τον κόσμο.
Πλήρως εναρμονισμένες με το CEFR: θα λάβετε αντικειμενικές παρατηρήσεις σχετικά με τις γλωσσικές σας γνώσεις, οι οποίες αξιολογούνται βάσει διεθνώς αποδεκτών προδιαγραφών.
Προφορικές Εξετάσεις για κάθε υποψήφιο ξεχωρισςτά: στην Προφορική Εξέταση παρόντες είστε μόνο εσείς και ένας Διαχειριστής Συνομιλίας (Interlocutor) της LanguageCert, χωρίς κανέναν άλλο υποψήφιο. Με αυτόν τον τρόπο μπορείτε να συγκεντρωθείτε και να αποδώσετε με τον καλύτερο δυνατό τρόπο.
Δίκαιη και αμερόληπτη αξιολόγηση - Γραπτή εξέταση: μετά τη βαθμολόγηση των γραπτών, ο Επικεφαλής Εξεταστής ελέγχει τη βαθμολογία για να βεβαιωθεί ότι δεν υπάρχουν αποκλίσεις στον τρόπο με τον οποίο έχει βαθμολογηθεί η Γραπτή Εξέταση.
Δίκαιη και αμερόληπτη αξιολόγηση - Προφορική εξέταση: η βαθμολόγηση δεν γίνεται από τον Διαχειριστή Συνομιλίας κατά τη διάρκεια της προφορικής εξέτασης. Η εξέτασή σας ηχογραφείται και η ηχογραφημένη συνέντευξη βαθμολογείται από ανεξάρτητο Βαθμολογητή της LanguageCert μετά την εξέταση. Με αυτόν τον τρόπο ο Διαχειριστής Συνομιλίας μπορεί να επικεντρωθεί πλήρως στην εξέταση και να σας βοηθήσει να αποδώσετε όσο καλύτερα μπορείτε. Η ηχογράφηση εξυπηρετεί σε περίπτωση που, για οποιονδήποτε λόγο, πρέπει να αξιολογηθεί εκ νέου η απόδοσή σας στις Προφορικές Εξετάσεις.
Κατάλληλη διάρκεια εξέτασης: δεν χρειάζεται να αφιερώσετε μια ολόκληρη μέρα για τις εξετάσεις. Για τις Γραπτές και Προφορικές Εξετάσεις θα χρειαστεί να δαπανήσετε μόνο περίπου 3 ώρες από τον χρόνο σας.
Διάρκεια ισχύος πιστοποίησης επ' αόριστον: το πιστοποιητικό ισχύει για πάντα.
Εξέταση με έμφαση στην επικοινωνία: εξετάζεστε στην ικανότητά σας να χρησιμοποιείτε τα αγγλικά, εστιάζοντας κυρίως στις επικοινωνιακές δεξιότητες και όχι στο λεξιλόγιο ή στη γραμματική. Γι’ αυτό, μπορείτε να λάβετε μέρος στις εξετάσεις LanguageCert International ESOL, ακόμη και αν έχετε προετοιμαστεί για κάποια άλλη εξέταση.
Πώς θα ξεκινήσετε
Για να εγγραφείτε στις εξετάσεις LanguageCert International ESOL επικοινωνήστε μαζί μας.
What are the LanguageCert International ESOL benefits for teachers?
Prepare learners for a LanguageCert International ESOL Exam and enjoy the
- It will boost your sense of professional achievement
- Your learners will work harder if they are preparing for an exam and have
a target to reach
- Your reputation as an excellent teacher will grow commensurately with the
number of learners getting certified
- Your learners will develop an even higher esteem for your professionalism
if you have a proven record of successful exam preparation
- You will prove your high worth to your employer by demonstrating the
number of your learners’ successful exams as an objective measure of your
- You will be able to reward your students with a certificate from a
globally recognised Awarding Body, which is key to their future success in
studies, as well as to their motivation
- You will have access to free support materials available online, which
will save you time preparing for your classes and give you more confidence
and inspiration for the exam preparation process
Features - benefits:
Communicative exam
- Your students will become functional users of the English language
- In preparing for a communicative exam your English classes will also
become communicative in nature and methodology - the ultimate demand of
learners, school directors and parents
- Your classes - when applying the communicative method - will become more
enjoyable for learners, which increases performance and motivation, while
reducing absenteeism
- Your students are assessed based on what they know rather on what they do
not know, as far as language proficiency is concerned
Mapped to the CEFR
- You will be able to give your learners standardised exams from a globally
recognised Awarding Body
- Your classes will become more aligned with internationally accepted
teaching practices when teaching along the CEFR requirements
- You will have the flexibility to use any support material for your
classes/exam preparation that is equally mapped to the CEFR
- Your students will be objectively assessed by external markers trained by
LanguageCert along the CEFR guidelines
Assessment of functional language use
- Little exam-specific preparation is required
- No score deduction for wrong answers in Listening and Reading parts
Use of Performance Codes
- Guidance and encoded reporting on how each student performed in each task
of the Written or the Spoken Exams can aid more targeted efforts on further
study progression
- Information provided by LanguageCert markers on how well each of your
students performed in a particular task of the Written and/or Spoken Exam
Your students can sit for the exam at any time of the year by which you
will be able to:
- Examine students as and when they reach the desired level or progress
from one level to the next
- Adjust your exam dates to course completion or progress rather than
complete the language course by a set exam date
- Flexibly enrol students for exams at different levels according to the
progress they have made, so no student is left unrewarded
Flexibility of Written and Spoken Exams – being two separate exams
- You can focus on skills-specific exam preparation (on Listening, Reading
and Writing on the one hand and Speaking on the other)
- You can enrol your students for a Written Exam, even if they still need
to develop their speaking skills at a particular level (or enrol them for a
Spoken Exam at a lower level)
- In case of a Fail grade in only the Written or only the Spoken Exam, the
failed exam needs to be repeated rather than the whole.
How to get started
To enrol your students for a LanguageCert International English exam, please contact us.
What are the LanguageCert International ESOL benefits for employers?
LanguageCert International ESOL Examinations are a proof that the resources
you invest into language training deliver their expected return, which in
turn is:
- A condition for business growth through working across the borders
- A tool for better understanding market needs through cultural awareness
- A condition for efficient search for information about the
industry/global economy.
As you give your staff the chance to enrol for LanguageCert International
ESOL Examinations, you will:
- Develop your staff's English language competence to the desired standard
- Improve your staff's ability to communicate with foreign partners
- Enhance the image of your company thanks to the expanded range of the
staff's competences
- Be able to get approved as a LanguageCert Approved Test Centre – which is
a badge of excellence through the Awarding Body’s quality assurance system
- Be able to attract valuable new employees owing to in-house language
training for the staff
- Be able to objectively measure your English language training provider's
success and performance
Upon the prospect of an international certificate, your employees will:
- Improve their language competence
- Study harder if they know there is a target to achieve
- Perceive studying and exams as a team-building activity (aimed at
achieving a goal, which is an exam)
- Develop self-esteem and motivation to achieve
- Rate you higher as an employer
Features - benefits:
there is no need to sacrifice work and on-the-job efficiency to prepare for
a set date of the exam (like in the case of other exams).
Conducted at a LanguageCert Approved Test Centre:
The employee may sit for the exam at the premises of his/her company, which
eliminates a stressful atmosphere associated with exams and saves commuting
Conducted by Interlocutors:
Your employees will have a lower exam stress level and be more successful –
as the Interlocutor only conducts the spoken interview without assessing.
Tests communicative skills:
Your employees will be able to efficiently use the English language for
purposes of work and international communication.
Flexibility of two exams:
Depending on their role in the company, you can decide whether you wish to
train your employees to be excellent speakers of English, or it would
suffice to be functional in reading and writing only - and choose the right
exam accordingly.
Mapped to the CEFR:
your employees succeeding in a particular level of an International ESOL
Exam are guaranteed to have the same level of functionality in English.
How to get started
Arrange for a meeting with a LanguageCert representative. We have a history of helping employers meet their people development needs. We will use all this experience to help you find your own solution.
To contact us, please click here.
What are the LanguageCert International ESOL benefits for Test Centres?
Globally recognised Awarding Body:
by working with LanguageCert you will be able to increase the range of
added value services that you provide to your customers.
Exams on-demand:
you have the flexibility to organise exams at any time; rather than
adjusting curriculum to exam dates, you can adjust exam dates to
Unrivalled examination technologies:
you will benefit from unique, advanced exam management solutions developed
by LanguageCert that will make your work easier and more transparent, and
will save you time. LanguageCert will provide you with the necessary
training to start using its robust web administration platform (PASSPORT)
for managing your exams and will support you along the way.
Best-of-class business management tools:
you can get the full picture of your LanguageCert International ESOL Exams
performance through our reporting system real-time and make your informed
management decisions easily.
Competitive pricing:
you will be able to make profit on exam services, while still remaining
competitive with your exam prices.
Offered by a LanguageCert Approved Test Centre:
you can differentiate from competition, as you will get a publicly visible
badge through the Quality Assurance system of a globally recognised
Awarding Body. All Invigilators and Interlocutors will be trained and
approved by LanguageCert.
Written and Spoken Exams are separate:
you will be able to make exam preparation more efficient by focusing on
Spoken skills separately from the others, and to reward and motivate your
students with an exam as they progress stage by stage.
Communicative exam:
- Your learners will be able to use language for a wide range of purposes
(making friends, working, travelling, academic studies), which in turn will
generate new business by positive word-of-mouth advertising
- The teachers will adjust their classroom techniques to achieve
communicative goals if they know they are preparing students for a
communicative exam
- Your students and teachers will be more motivated to work harder if there
is a goal at the end of the teaching/learning process
- You will be able to objectively measure your teachers’ performance
Conducted by Interlocutors (examiners without assessment
If your school is a LanguageCert Approved Test Centre, your students will
be able to sit for the exam and the Interlocutor will conduct the Spoken
exam at your school’s premises. This will:
- Enable the Interlocutor to concentrate on the candidate's language
performance, as he/she does not assess the candidate
- Reduce stage fright for students during the exam
- Give you the authority to conduct an international examination at your
- Train your staff to bring classroom atmosphere into the examination room
All Invigilators and Interlocutors will be trained and approved by
How to get your Test Centre approved
For information on our approval procedure and to receive the approval
application pack, please contact us at info@languagecert.gr