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AKCENT International House Prague has become a LanguageCert USAL Approved Test Centre in the Czech Republic

Being established in 1990, AKCENT has grown to become one of the leading private language schools in the Czech Republic, offering a diverse range of foreign language training services.

The school provides courses in various foreign languages, including English, German, Czech, Spanish and French, focused on the development of language skills of both the general public, and of corporate clients. It has built a business name associated with high-quality teacher training programmes designed for people with either substantial or no teaching experience, enhancing their job prospects. Having a team of over 120 qualified instructors, AKCENT offers solutions (e.g. online courses) that adapt to the learners’ time and needs.

In 2000, the school was affiliated with the International House World Organisation to become AKCENT International House Prague, and since 2008, it has been an accredited member of Eaquals. By becoming a LanguageCert USAL Approved Test Centre, it enlarges its portfolio of language exams, offering the benefits of the LanguageCert USAL esPro BULATS tests to the people of Czech Republic who wish to evaluate their competency in the Spanish language.