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SharePoint Server 2007 Help and How-to >  Content management >  Records management >  Records Center
Add records to the Record Routing list
Add records to the Record Routing list

Microsoft Office SharePoint Server 2007 uses the Record Routing list to automatically route incoming records to their proper location within the Records Center, based on their record type. You must create an entry in the Record Routing list for every type of record in your organization's file plan that is stored on the Records Center site. For each record type that you add to the Record Routing list, you specify a record title and description. You also specify the location (the list or library) in the Records Center where the record is stored. To ensure that all relevant records are routed to the appropriate location, you can specify aliases (alternate names) for the record type.

  1. On a Records Center site, click Lists, and then click Record Routing to open the Record Routing list.

     Note    By default, the Record Routing List View Web Part (Web Part: A modular unit of information that consists of a title bar, a frame, and content. Web Parts are the basic building blocks of a Web Part Page.) is displayed on the home page for the Records Center. You can also update the Record Routing list by using this Web Part.

  2. In the Record Routing list, on the New menu New menu, click New Item.
  3. In the Title box, type the name of the record for which you want to specify routing information.

    For example, if you are creating a Record Routing list entry to route the records of financial reports, type Financial Reports.

  4. In the Description text box, type a brief description of this record type.

    For example, if you are creating a Record Routing list entry to route the records of contracts, type Records of agreements that document joint ventures between Company Name and various other companies.

  5. In the Location box, type the name of the list or library where you want these records to be stored.

    For example, if you created a document library titled Contracts to store all records of contracts, type Contracts.

  6. In the Aliases box, type any alternate names that are sometimes used for this particular record type. Separate each entry by using a forward slash (/).

    For example, if some groups in your organization refer to contracts as agreements, type Agreements.

  7. In the Default section, specify whether this Record Routing list entry should be used to route any submitted records that do not match the title or aliases of any other record routing item.
  8. Click OK.
  9. To add additional entries to the Record Routing list, repeat steps 2 through 8.
  10.  Notes 

    • The Record Routing list contains a default entry called Unclassified Records that is intended to help route records that do not match any specified record types. If the Records Center site receives a record that does not match a record type in the Record Routing list, this record is moved to the Unclassified Records document library, where it can later be manually filed by a records manager.
    • If your organization created and deployed one or more custom records routers, the New Item form displays an additional field in which you can specify which router (if any) should be run on incoming records that match this routing entry.