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Create a Translation Management Library
Create a Translation Management Library

The Translation Management Library is a document library template available for Microsoft Office SharePoint Server 2007 sites that is designed to help organizations create, store, and manage translated documents.

In this article


The Translation Management Library helps organizations create, store, and manage translated documents by providing both views and specific features that facilitate the manual document translation process. The Translation Management Library is designed specifically to store documents and their translations. The library tracks the relationship between a source document (an original version of a document) and its translations, and it groups all of these documents together to make them easy to find. Additionally, the library can be configured with a special Translation Management workflow that is designed to help manage the manual document translation process. For more information about working with the Translation Management workflow, see Use a Translation Management workflow.

The library also offers several additional features that help organizations store and manage document translations:

  • A required language property field for all documents saved or uploaded to the library ensures that all documents are identified by language.
  • Columns in the default library view display information about a document's Language, Translation Status, Source Document Version, and Translation Workflow status.
  • Users can create relationships between a translated document and its source document by specifying whether or not a document is a translation of an existing document in the library when they upload a document to the library.

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Create a Translation Management Library

You can create a Translation Management Library and add a Translation Management workflow to that library at the same time. You must have the Manage Lists permission to create a Translation Management Library for a site.

Create a Translation Management Library

  1. On the Quick Launch, click View All Site Content, and then click Create.
  2. Under Libraries, click Translation Management Library.
  3. In the Name box, type a name for the library. The library name is required.

    The name appears at the top of the library page, becomes part of the address for the library page, and appears in navigational elements that help users to find and open the library.

  4. In the Description box, type a description of the purpose of the library. The description is optional.

    The description appears at the top of the library page, underneath the name of the library. If you plan to enable the library to receive content by e-mail, you can add the e-mail address of the library to its description, so that people can easily find it.

  5. To add a link to this library on the Quick Launch, verify that Yes is selected in the Navigation section.
  6. To create a version each time a file is checked into the library, in the Document Version History, click Yes.

    You can later choose whether you want to store both major and minor versions and how many versions of each you want to track.

  7. In the Document Template section, in the list, click the type of default file that you want to be used as a template for files that are created in the library.
  8. In the Translation Management Workflow section, click Yes to add a Translation Management workflow to the library.
  9. Click Next to configure the Translation Management workflow.

Configure the Translation Management workflow

  1. On the Add a Workflow page, in the Name section, type a unique name for this workflow if you want to change it from the default value Translation Management.
  2. In the Task List section, specify a task list to use with this workflow.


    • You can use the default Tasks list or you can create a new one. If you use the default Tasks list, workflow participants will be able to find and view their workflow tasks easily by using the My Tasks view of the Tasks list.
    • Create a new Tasks list if the tasks for this workflow will involve or reveal sensitive or confidential data that you want to keep separate from the general Tasks list.
    • Create a new Tasks list if your organization will have numerous workflows or if workflows will involve numerous tasks. In this instance, you might want to create Tasks lists for each workflow.

  3. In the History List section, select a history list to use with this workflow. The history list displays all of the events that occur during each instance of the workflow.

     Note    You can use the default History list or you can create a new one. If your organization will have numerous workflows, you might want to create a separate History list for each workflow.

  4. In the Start Options section, specify how, when, or by whom a workflow can be started.


    • Specific options may not be available if they are not supported by the workflow template you selected.
    • The option Start this workflow to approve publishing a major version of an item is available only if support for major and minor versioning has been enabled for the library and if the workflow template you selected can be used for content approval.

  5. Click Next.
  6. In the Lists of Languages and Translators section, do one of the following:
    • To specify that the workflow use an existing list of translators to assign translation tasks, click Use an existing list of languages and translators from the site, and then select the list you want to use.

       Note    This option is available only if a Translators list already exists for your site.

    • To create a new list of languages and translators to use for instances of the workflow, click Create a new list of languages and translators for this workflow, type a unique name for the list in the List name box, and then select the Open the new translators list in a separate window check box if you want to begin adding names to the new translators list when you finish customizing the workflow.
  7. In the Due Date section, specify the range of days within which workflow tasks should be completed for workflows that start automatically.

     Note    The option to set a due date is available only if you chose to have the workflow start automatically when documents are either created or changed in the library.

  8. In the Complete the Workflow section, select the When the source document is changed check box if you want the workflow to be completed whenever all tasks are completed or someone changes the source document for the translation.

    If you do not select this check box, the workflow will be completed when all translation tasks are completed.

  9. Click OK.
  10. If you chose to create a new list of translators for use with this workflow and to have that list open in a new window, a separate window opens, and you can begin adding names to the list.
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Upload a document to a Translation Management Library

When you upload a document to a Translation Management Library, you will need to supply information about the language and translation status of that document. Documents that you upload to a Translation Management Library remain checked out to you until you fill out the required properties for the document.

  1. Open the Translation Management Library to which you want to upload a document.
  2. On the Upload menu, click Upload Document.
  3. In the Upload Document section, click Browse to locate the document you want, and then click Open.
  4. Click OK.
  5. On the properties page for the document, type the name and title for the document in the Name and Title boxes.
  6. If the document you are uploading is a completed translation of a source document in the library, type the version number of the source document in the Source Document Version box. This information will be set automatically if you use a workflow to manage translation

    For example, if your document is a translation of the first version of the source document, type 1.0. If the document you are uploading is not a translation, you should leave this blank.

  7. In the Translation Status section, select the value that applies to your document. If the document you are uploading is a source document on which translations will be based, you should leave this blank. This information will be set automatically if you use a workflow to manage translation.
  8. In the Language section, select the language property that applies to your document or click Specify your own value, and then type the language you want.
  9. If the document you are uploading is a translation of another document that already exists in the library, click Yes, and then select the source document for your document.

    If the document you are uploading is not a translation of another document in the library, click No.

     Note    This option is available only if the library already contains more than one document.

  10. Click Check In.
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