When you create a site, you select a site template from the Select a template list. For example, to create a site for publishing a team’s Web pages, you select the Publishing Site template.
A site template is a file that dictates the overall look and feel of a site. It can include the following:
The Select a template list is divided into four tabs: Collaboration, Meetings, Enterprise, and Publishing. The templates found on the Publishing tab all have publishing features enabled, including the page editing toolbar, content editor, and check-out. The following table contains a brief description of each template.
Template | Purpose |
Publishing Site | Creates a site for publishing Web pages. T The template includes a document and picture library for storing Web publishing assets. You can make it easy for teams to manage changes with s the page editing toolbar and check out and content editor features.
Publishing Site with Workflow | Creates a site for publishing Web pages on a schedule by using approved workflows. The template includes a document and picture library for storing Web publishing assets. By default, you can only create publishing subsites under the sites that you created by using this template. |
News Site | A site for publishing news articles and links to news articles. It includes a sample news page and an archive for storing older news items. |
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