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Review search usage data
Review search usage data

Search usage data is beneficial in understanding how people are using the portal site and what information they are looking for. Site administrators can review both the queries that end users are typing into the Search box and the pages that are most viewed from the results page.

Site administrators can make several improvements to the usability and relevance of the portal site by analyzing both the search queries and the top search results pages. A few examples of actions that can result from understanding usage patterns include:

  • Learning which terms are being used to search your portal site. This analysis can be the basis for adding new keywords that may not be in your search index.
  • Creating keyword Best Bets, which match popular keywords with the most relevant portal site pages, documents, or external Web sites.
  • Reviewing the destination pages for the top search results and adding them to the Top Sites section of the Site Directory to make it easier for end users to find them.
  • Analyzing the reports on no-result queries and low-clickthrough queries to identify content that is being sought by users but is not being crawled.

 Note    Search query logging is enabled by default in a Shared Services Provider (SSP). If the SSP administrator has turned query logging off, this feature will not be available to site administrators.

  1. On the home page, on the Site Actions menu, point to Site Settings, and then click Modify All Site Settings.
  2. On the Site Settings page, under Site Collection Administration, click Site collection usage reports.
  3. On the Site Collection Usage Summary page, on the Quick Launch, click Search queries or Search results.

    Each page contains a collection of search reports.