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SharePoint Server 2007 Help and How-to >  Site management >  Managing collaboration >  Managing lists and libraries
Types of files that cannot be added to a list or library
Types of files that cannot be added to a list or library

As a server administrator, you can use Central Administration to restrict certain kinds of files from being uploaded or retrieved, based on the file extension. For example, a file with the .exe file extension can potentially contain code that runs on client computers when the file is downloaded. If files with the .exe file extension are blocked, users can neither upload nor download a file with the .exe extension. By blocking this file type, potentially dangerous content in the .exe file cannot be downloaded and run on client computers. This feature does not prevent all exploits based on file types, nor is it designed to do so.

 Note    It is helpful for site owners and other users of a site to know what file types are being blocked so that they understand why they cannot upload certain kinds of files. If you are unsure what file types are being blocked, talk to your server administrator.

By default, several standard file extensions are blocked, including any file extensions that are treated as executable files by Windows Explorer. Files with curly braces { or } are also automatically blocked. The file extensions blocked by default are shown in the following table.

File extensionFile type
.adeMicrosoft Access project extension
.adpMicrosoft Access project
.appApplication file
.asaASP declarations file
.ashxASP.NET Web handler file. Web handlers are software modules that handle raw HTTP requests received by ASP.NET.
.asmxASP.NET Web Services source file
.aspActive Server Pages
.basMicrosoft Visual Basic class module
.batBatch file
.cdxCompound index
.cerCertificate file
.chmCompiled HTML Help file
.classJava class file
.cmdMicrosoft Windows NT command script
.comMicrosoft MS-DOS program
.configConfiguration file
.cplControl Panel extension
.crtSecurity certificate
.cshScript file
.dllWindows dynamic link library
.fxpMicrosoft Visual FoxPro compiled program
.hlpHelp file
.htaHTML program
.htrScript file
.htwHTML document
.idaInternet Information Services file
.idcInternet database connector file
.idqInternet data query file
.insInternet Naming Service
.ispInternet Communication settings
.itsInternet Document Set file
.jseJScript Encoded script file
.kshKorn Shell script file
.masMicrosoft Access stored procedure
.mdaMicrosoft Access add-in program
.mdbMicrosoft Access program
.mdeMicrosoft Access MDE database
.mdtMicrosoft Access data file
.mdwMicrosoft Access workgroup
.mdzMicrosoft Access wizard program
.mscMicrosoft Common Console document
.mshMicrosoft Agent script helper
.msh1Microsoft Agent script helper
.msh1xmlMicrosoft Agent script helper
.msh2Microsoft Agent script helper
.msh2xmlMicrosoft Agent script helper
.mshxmlMicrosoft Agent script helper
.msiMicrosoft Windows Installer package
.mspWindows Installer patch package file
.mstVisual Test source files
.opsMicrosoft Office profile settings file
.pcdPhoto CD image or Microsoft Visual Test compiled script
.pifShortcut to MS-DOS program
.prfSystem file
.prgProgram source file
.printerPrinter file
.pstMicrosoft Outlook personal folder file
.regRegistration entries
.remACT! database maintenance file
.scfWindows Explorer command file
.scrScreen saver
.sctScript file
.shbWindows shortcut
.shsShell Scrap object
.shtmHTML file that contains server side directives
.shtmlHTML file that contains server side directives
.soapSimple Object Access Protocol file
.stmHTML file that contains server side directives
.urlUniform Resource Locator (Internet shortcut)
.vbMicrosoft Visual Basic Scripting Edition (Visual Basic Scripting Edition (VBScript) ) file
.vbeVBScript Encoded Script file
.vbsVBScript file
.wsWindows Script file
.wscWindows Script Component
.wsfWindows Script file
.wshWindows Script Host settings file

Server administrators can use Central Administration to choose which file extensions to block for the entire server or server farm. Because the list of blocked file types is maintained by file extension, any file that uses a file extension on the list cannot be uploaded or downloaded, regardless of the file's intended use. For example, if .asp is on the list of extensions to block, the feature blocks all .asp files on the server, even if they are used to support Web site features on another server in the server farm. If a file ends in a period (.), the preceding characters are checked against the list of blocked file extensions as well. For example, if .exe is on the list of blocked file extensions, a file called "filename.exe" is also blocked. The following list shows different ways of representing the same file, all of which are blocked if the .hta extension is on the list of blocked file extensions.

  • filename.hta
  • filename.hta.
  • filename.hta.{3050F4D8-98B5-11CF-BB82-00AA00BDCE0B}
  • filename.hta::$DATA

You can determine which files are blocked for Web sites on your servers by modifying the list of blocked file extensions in Central Administration. You can block additional file extensions (up to 1,024 file types) by adding them to the list in the Central Administration pages, or you can remove a block by deleting the file extension from the list. When you change the list of file extensions, the change affects both new files being added to a Web site and files already posted to a Web site. For example, if a document library  contains a .doc file, and you add the .doc file extension to the list of blocked file extensions, users will no longer be able to open the .doc file in the document library. Users will be able to rename or delete a file with a blocked file extension but will not be able to perform any other actions.