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SharePoint Server 2007 Help and How-to >  Site management >  Managing collaboration >  Managing lists and libraries
Manage list templates
Manage list templates

As a site owner, you can create and delete list templates and edit the list template properties. List templates can be downloaded to a folder on the hard disk and uploaded to another site collection.

What do you want to do?

Create a list template

  1. Open the list that you want to save as a template.
  2. Click Settings and then click List Settings.
  3. In the Permissions and Management column, click Save list as template.
  4. The Save as Template page appears.

  5. In the File Name box, type the file name to use for the template file.
  6.  Note    Do not add a file extension to the file name. The .stp file extension is automatically added for you.

  7. In the Template name box, type the title that you want to appear in the list template gallery for this template.
  8. In the Template Description box, type a description for the template.
  9. To include the content that is currently in this list in the new list template, select the Include Content check box.
  10.  Notes 

    • This step does not save any security settings that may have been applied to the list. Because of this, we highly recommend that you save this list template to a secure place so that it cannot be restored by someone who should not have access to this content.
    • By default, you can create a list template that contains up to 10 megabytes (MB) of content. Server administrators can increase this size limit, if necessary.

  11. Click OK.
  12. The new list template appears in the list template gallery.

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Delete a template in the list template gallery

  1. On the Site Actions menu Site Actions menu, click Site Settings.

     Note    On a site for which the Site Actions menu is customized, point to Site Settings, and then click the settings that you want to view.

  2. In the Galleries column, click List templates.
  3.  Note    This option appears only to users who have the Manage Lists permission. Site owners have this permission by default.

    The List Template Gallery page appears.

  4. In the Edit column, click Edit Document Properties for the list template that you want to delete.
  5. Click Delete Item, and then click OK to confirm.
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Edit the list template properties

  1. On the Site Actions menu Site Actions menu, click Site Settings.

     Note    On a site for which the Site Actions menu is customized, point to Site Settings, and then click the settings that you want to view.

  2. In the Galleries column, click List templates.
  3.  Note    This option appears only to users who have the Manage Lists permission. Site owners have this permission by default.

    The List Template Gallery page appears.

  4. In the Edit column, click Edit Document Properties for the list template that you want to edit.
  5. Edit the information that you want to change, and then click OK.
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Upload a template to the list template gallery

List templates that were downloaded to a file on the file system can be uploaded to the list template gallery. To perform the following steps, you must have Read permission to the folder or network share that contains the list template file.


  • Note that list template files use the .stp file extension.
  • List templates can be used only on the same type of site or workspace from which they were created. This means that a list template that was created on a Meeting Workspace site cannot be used on a team site. However, a list template that was created on a team site can be used on a different team site.

  1. On the Site Actions menu Site Actions menu, click Site Settings.

     Note    On a site for which the Site Actions menu is customized, point to Site Settings, and then click the settings that you want to view.

  2. In the Galleries column, click List templates.
  3.  Note    This option appears only to users who have the Manage Lists permission. Site owners have this permission by default.

    The List Template Gallery page appears.

  4. Click Upload.
  5. The Upload Template: List Template Gallery page appears.

  6. Either type the path and file name (including the file extension) of the list template that you want to upload, or click Browse to select the file.
  7. Choose whether to overwrite the existing files. By default, the Overwrite existing file check box is selected.
  8.  Note    If the Overwrite existing file check box is selected, a list template that is already stored in the content database and that has the same name as the file you are uploading will be overwritten. If you attempt to upload a list template that already exists in the content database and this check box is not selected, an error message will be displayed.

  9. Click OK.
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Download a template to the file system

 Note    The following steps require that you have Write permissions to the folder or share on which you are downloading the list template file.

  1. On the Site Actions menu Site Actions menu, click Site Settings.

     Note    On a site for which the Site Actions menu is customized, point to Site Settings, and then click the settings that you want to view.

  2. In the Galleries column, click List templates.
  3.  Note    This option appears only to users who have the Manage Lists permission. Site owners have this permission by default.

    The List Template Gallery page appears.

  4. In the Name column, click the link for the list template that you want to download.
  5. In the File Download dialog box, click Save.
  6. In the Save As dialog box, specify the path and file name for the file that you are downloading, and then click Save.
  7. In the Download complete dialog box, click Close.
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See Also