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SharePoint Server 2007 Help and How-to >  Site management >  Creating and deleting sites
Change the portal site properties and site creation settings
Change the portal site properties and site creation settings

Site administrators can change the name of the portal site, add or change its description, and change the image that appears in the upper-left corner of the portal site home page.

  1. On the Site Actions menu menu, click Site Settings, and then click Modify All Site Settings.
  2. In the Look and Feel section, click Title, description, and icon.
  3. Type a title and description for the portal site in the appropriate boxes. Both will be displayed on the portal site home page.

    Limit the portal site name to 80 alphanumeric Unicode characters. Do not use the following characters in the name: | ? : * > " < > |. However, the portal site description can consist of any alphanumeric character.

  4. In the URL box, type the location of the graphics file for the logo that you want to use.

    The logo file can be in any of the following file formats: .gif, .bmp, .jpg, and .png. TIFF files are not supported.

    The URL for the portal site logo can consist of any alphanumeric characters except the following: # % * + | ? " ? < > $ @ { } [ ].

     Note    If the file location is a local relative path (for example, /_layouts/1033/logo.gif), ensure that the graphics file is copied to that location on each front-end Web server.

  5. To add alternative (alt) text for the picture, type the alt text in the description box under the URL, and then click OK.