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SharePoint Server 2007 Help and How-to >  Collaboration >  Integrating e-mail with lists and libraries
Add content to sites by sending e-mail
Add content to sites by sending e-mail

You can add content — such as e-mail discussions, documents, pictures, and calendar items — to a Microsoft Windows SharePoint Services 3.0 site by sending the content in e-mail to your site. If your list or library is set up to receive e-mail, this may be a more convenient way to work.

In this article


Suppose you want to send a document to your team and add it to your team's document library. You can perform both tasks at once, instead of sending e-mail and then switching to Windows SharePoint Services 3.0 to add the document to the site.

Adding content to sites by sending e-mail

Callout 1 Documents, discussions, and other content are sent by e-mail.

Callout 2 The content is added to lists and libraries.

Adding items to a Windows SharePoint Services 3.0 site by e-mail is similar to sending a standard e-mail message to a colleague or group. A list that is set up to receive e-mail has its own address, and you just include the e-mail address in the To or Cc box of your message.

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Which lists and libraries can receive e-mail?

By default, the following lists and libraries in Windows SharePoint Services 3.0 can be set up to receive e-mail:

  • Discussion boards   You can capture your team's e-mail discussions in one place, so that you can browse through and locate the messages and related files more easily.
  • Announcements   When you send announcements to your team, you can use e-mail to automatically add the announcements to your Announcements list on your Windows SharePoint Services 3.0 site.
  • Calendars   Calendar items such as meeting requests that your group sends through e-mail can also be sent to your calendar on a Windows SharePoint Services 3.0 site. If your Windows SharePoint Services 3.0 calendar is set up to receive e-mail, you can see all your calendar items at once — the items that you added to your team's calendar on the site, as well as the items that people have sent through e-mail.

     Note    To send a calendar item to a Windows SharePoint Services 3.0 site, your e-mail application must be compatible with Windows SharePoint Services or it must support the iCalendar format, which is a format that is used by many e-mail applications that support Internet mail.

  • Document libraries   You can send documents as e-mail attachments to a document library that is set up to receive e-mail. There is no need to switch to Windows SharePoint Services 3.0, search for the document, and then add it to the library. You can also choose how the versions of a document that are submitted through e-mail are handled.
  • Picture libraries   You can send pictures as e-mail attachments to a picture library that is set up to receive e-mail. For example, if you are sending pictures of a product launch to a colleague while you are away from the office, you don't have to also open the picture library to upload your pictures. Instead, you can include the e-mail address of the library in your message.
  • Form libraries   You can submit a completed form, such as an absence report or expense report, by sending it in e-mail to a form library.
  • Blogs   You can post to a blog (weblog) list by e-mail. You cannot add comments to a blog post by using e-mail.

To find out which of your lists are enabled to receive e-mail or to obtain the e-mail addresses of the lists, see your site owner or administrator.


  • Some lists, such as announcements and discussions, can be set up to accept meeting requests. These lists store only the text of the meeting request. To store a meeting request in calendar format, send it to a calendar list.
  • Other lists and libraries can be customized by your organization to receive mail. For more information, see your administrator.
  • You cannot add content to lists in Meeting Workspace sites by sending e-mail.

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Find out more about the e-mail settings of a list or library

Before you can send e-mail to a list or library, you need to know whether the list or library is set up to receive e-mail and then obtain the address from the person who set up the list or library. Do one or more of the following:

  • Depending on your situation, the e-mail address of the list or library may appear in the address book of your e-mail application. If it does not appear, you need to obtain the address from the person who set up the list or library. Then you can add it to the contacts list of your e-mail application, so that you can easily find it later.
  • Your site owner may have added the e-mail address of the list or library to its description. The description appears just under the title.
  • If the e-mail address of the list or library doesn't appear in its description, you can use the following procedure to view the e-mail settings for the list or library, if you have permission to view the settings:
    1. If the list or library is not already open, click its name on the Quick Launch.

      If the name of your list or library does not appear, click View All Site Content, and then click the name of your list or library.

    2. Do one of the following:
      • On the Settings menu Settings menu, click List Settings or settings for the type of library you are opening.
      • On a blog site, under Admin Links, click Manage Posts to display the posts list. On the Settings menu, click List Settings.
    3. If the list or library is enabled to receive e-mail, its address will appear under List Information, next to E-mail Address.
  • Your group may also have its own e-mail list, called a SharePoint group (SharePoint group: A group of users that can be created on a SharePoint site to manage permissions to the site and to provide an e-mail distribution list for site users. A group can be used by many sites in one site collection.), which enables its members to send mail to each other. The SharePoint group address can contain the addresses of the lists or libraries, so that when you send e-mail to members of the SharePoint group, the items are automatically added to your Windows SharePoint Services 3.0 site. For example, you can send a contract as an attachment to your team's SharePoint group, and the contract is also added to your team's document library.

    If the SharePoint group address does not appear in your address book, you need to obtain it from the site owner and then add it to your contacts list, so that you can easily find it later.

 Note    Your list or library may restrict who can send e-mail items to it, depending on how your administrator set it up. For example, the list or library might accept items only from people who are members of your site, or there may be additional restrictions. For more information, see your site owner or administrator.

Tip  If you are sending mail to an individual, but you also want to add that item to a list or library, you can include the e-mail address of the list or library in the Cc box of the message.

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Send e-mail to a list or library

  1. In your e-mail application, prepare the item that you want to send in one of the following ways:
    • To send a discussion item or to post an item to a team blog (weblog), include your content in the body of the message.
    • To send a calendar item, send a meeting request or an appointment from your e-mail or calendar application.
    • To send a picture, form, or document, add that item as an attachment to your message.
    • To send a standard e-mail message or reply, include your content in the body of the message as you do with any e-mail message.
  2. In the To or Cc box, add the address of the list or library.

    If your list is already part of a SharePoint group, you can add content to a list or library by just sending mail to the SharePoint group. For more information, see your site owner or administrator.

  3. Send the message. In most e-mail applications, you click Send to send the message.
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