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Add search keywords and Best Bets
Add search keywords and Best Bets

Search keywords and Best Bets enable you to provide two important features to help your users get the search results they need:

  • Search keywords enable you to create a glossary of important terms within your organization. When a user types the keyword in a search query, the definition that has been created for the keyword is displayed at the top of the search results page.
  • Best Bets enable you to prominently present editorially selected search results. Best Bets are URLs to pages, documents, or external Web sites that are associated with search keywords. When a user types a keyword in a search query that has Best Bets, the search results page prominently displays the Best Bet URLs, including the title and description of each one.

    Best Bets are most helpful in situations in which a site administrator wants to promote specific pages. Because the Best Bet URLs are displayed prominently on the search results page, end users may be more inclined to view them.

     Note    You can reuse existing Best Bets for any new keywords that you define.

What do you want to do?

Create a glossary of definitions by using search keywords

  1. On the home page, click the Site Actions menu, point to Site Settings, and then click Modify All Site Settings.
  2. On the Site Settings page, in the Site Collection Administration section, click Search keywords.
  3. On the Manage Keywords page, click Add Keyword.
  4. In the Keyword Phrase box, type the word, acronym, or phrase that you want to add to a search glossary.
  5. If there are words or phrases that are used interchangeably with the keyword, type them in the Synonyms box. Separate each word or phrase with a semicolon.
  6. To create Best Bets for the keyword, click Add Best Bet, and then complete the form by following the steps in Create Best Bets for keywords.
  7. Type the glossary definition for the keyword in the Definition box.
  8. If you want the keyword definition to be reviewed by another person, type the person's e-mail alias in the Contact box, or click Browse to find the name in Active Directory directory service. Click the Check Names button to verify the name.
  9. In the Publishing section, click the calendar next to each date that you want to apply to the keyword. If no dates are entered, the current date is used as a Start Date.
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Create Best Bets for keywords

Before you start these steps, it is a good idea to have a list of the keywords and Best Bet URLs that you want to associate with the keywords. Keywords do not need to be limited to individual words or acronyms. You can also use compound words and phrases.

  1. On the portal site home page, click Site actions, point to Site Settings, and then click Modify All Site Settings.
  2. In the Site Collection Administration section, click Search keywords.
  3. On the Manage Keywords page, if you are adding a Best Bet to an existing keyword, rest the pointer on the keyword name, and then click Edit.

    If you are creating a a new keyword to associate with Best Bests, click Add Keyword, and then type the keyword in the Keyword Phrase box.

  4. In the Best Bets section, click Add Best Bet, and then type the address for the Best Bet page in the URL box.
  5. Type the title and description that you want to be displayed on the search results page, and then click OK.
  6. If the keyword has multiple Best Bets, select the order in which you want them to be listed, and then click OK.

 Note    Keywords and Best Bets are added to the search index at the next scheduled site update.

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