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SharePoint Server 2007 Help and How-to >  Business intelligence >  Business data in sites, lists, and libraries >  Formulas and functions >  Date and time
HOUR function
HOUR function

Returns the hour of a time value. The hour is given as an integer, ranging from 0 (12:00 A.M.) to 23 (11:00 P.M.).



Serial_number   is the time that contains the hour you want to find. Times may be entered as text strings within quotation marks (for example, "6:45 PM"), as decimal numbers (for example, 0.78125, which represents 6:45 PM), or as results of other formulas or functions (for example, TIMEVALUE("6:45 PM")).


Time values are a portion of a date value and represented by a decimal number (for example, 12:00 PM is represented as 0.5 because it is half of a day).


Formula Description (Result)
=HOUR("3:30:30 AM") Hour of time (3)
=HOUR("3:30:30 PM") Hour of time (15)
=HOUR("15:30") Hour of time (15)